Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Keys To Winning

Come out this Sunday morning, August 15th to hear a message entitled "The Keys To Winning." This word will challenge you to:
  • Move from the Natural  Realm to the Supernatural
  • Move from the  Rear of the Battle to the Front of the Battle
  • and to Encounter the Presence and the Power
Our Service times are @ 8:30am & 11am. Make sure you are there this Sunday!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Sunday w/ Rev. Henry Lopez

Pastor Roger McPhail invites you to Gateway City Church this Sunday as Pastor Henry Lopez from Anchor House will be bringing a powerful message from the Lord. The Anchor House worship team will be playing in both services (8:30am and 11:00am); and we will also hear awesome testimonies about what God is doing in their lives. It will be powerful!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rev. Enrique "Henry" Lopez will be at GCC this Sunday

Rev. Henry Lopez - Administrator of Anchor House
In its’ over forty years of ministering, Anchor House has been serving those whom are deemed the least - those that are disenfranchised, homeless, those that are in prison and chemically dependent. Certainly, we count it an opportunity and honor to serve them. Over the years, we have experienced and have been witness to what the love and power of God can do in the lives of those that are seemingly hopeless. Men and women bound and enslaved by the scourge of drug abuse have been transformed into productive, successful citizens. We have many success stories to illustrate what our shepherd, Jesus the Anointed One has wrought throughout these 40 years of ministry. 

Take Hiram, for example, who was given the choice to stay in prison or enter Anchor House. He chose Anchor House and came to us most reluctantly. According to Hiram, he was “turned off” by Christianity, yet one night he decided to take a look into this Bible that was so important in the lives of the other residents of Anchor House. That night, as Hiram read the scriptures God revealed himself, and Hiram finally surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Today, the accomplishments of this one rebellious young man are outstanding. The Reverend, Dr. Hiram Irizzary is currently the Administrative Chaplain of a Federal Prison in Miami, Florida. One of his parishioners is Manuel Noriega, the former dictator of Panama.   There are more success stories, but it would take many, many pages and books to contain them all. Today, our graduates range from entrepreneurs to blue collar workers, culinary people, pastors, ministers and members and contributors of churches; they are people who impact our society in positive and productive ways. 

Anchor House’s program offers a structure that causes its residents to acquire or discover meaning and purpose in their individual lives.

Pastor McPhail's 60th Birthday Pics